Silver medal for relay racers

  • Mar. 21, 2011 10:00 a.m.

Kamloops Track & Field Club Relay Festival for School District 73 students was held on Wednesday, Mar. 16,  with a large contingent of competitors attending from Barriere Elementary School (BES).

Grade 7 Barriere Elementary teacher, Ms. McLeod, co-ordinated the 32 fastest students from grades 4 -7  for the BES teams that were to compete, as well as transportation, chaperones, etc.

On relay day the grade 5 BES girls team,   made up of Katherine Pelayo, Sammy-Jo Williams, Maddison Kerslake, and Tyra Noble, won a silver medal in their race division.

The BES grade 4 girls team, made up of Emma Hamblin, Kate McInnes, Brooke Hartman Pamela LeFeuvre (alternate for grade 4 girls team), also did well finishing in sixth place.

Parents attending said all of the students had a great time and they enjoyed the competitions and meeting students and competitors from other areas of the School District.



Barriere Star Journal