So long and thanks for all the fish

Ladies and gentlemen of Quesnel I bid you adieu.

Ladies and gentlemen of Quesnel I bid you adieu.

It’s been two years of hockey, baseball, lacrosse, football and hockey…

I’ve seen two seasons of them all and met some good people along the way – people who are passionate about their sport, people who have made my job easier, and players who make this community what it is.

To all those people I am thankful. You eased the way when there was too much going on; you returned calls so I had the information I needed (even when I was scrambling at the last minute) and you contacted me days, or even weeks, ahead of time to make sure I knew it was happening and would be there.

Without people like you this section would be tiny and slapdash – thanks again.

I’ve learned a lot from my time here – a lot about sports and a lot about writing.

The Observer was a training ground for me, allowing me to experiment, take on all kinds of stories and find my work flow.

So to all the great people here at the Observer – thanks.

Now I will boldly go where many writers have gone before: freelancing, otherwise known as unemployment or trying to squeeze water from stone.

A quixotic quest? Probably, but it should be fun or at least some kind of adventure.

And to my replacement, I wish her interesting stories, sources full of pertinent information and calls returned in a timely manner.

Jonas Gagnon, ghost of sports writer past



Quesnel Cariboo Observer