Tim Graham spins out in front of Kevin Pongracz and Tyler Morton during the Aug. 27 races at the Terrace Speedway.

Tim Graham spins out in front of Kevin Pongracz and Tyler Morton during the Aug. 27 races at the Terrace Speedway.

Speedway remembers at memorial day races

It was close racing in the thunder class this weekend, says Terrace Speedway president Terry Reinert.

It was close racing in the thunder class this weekend, says Terrace Speedway president Terry Reinert.

“It was a great night, with lots of excitement and wrecks into the wall,” Reinert says about the Memorial Race day held on Saturday Aug. 27.

For the second time in a row, both the heat and the main events in the A bomber class went to Kory Botz.

In the B bomber class, Adam Morton took both the heat and the main events.

For the A thunder class, Kent Goddard took the heat and Reinert won the main.

And in the 50 lap memorial race, Goddard won for the bombers heat and Reinert won in the bomber main class.

The Memorial Race was in recognition of racers who have since passed, and the Thornhill fire truck was at the Speedway, and drove a lap around the track, while fans and racers took a moment of silence.

Remembered on the track were Jozsef Botz, Herbert Plaag, Ryan Blais, Frank King and Cal Albright.

Up next for the Speedway will be the Demo Derby Sept 11, which is set to host a variety of events.

At the event, two classes of derby cars will race: outlaw class and banger class. These cars will be used in different events and then entered into two heats as the final demo for each class.

A zero effort hit to pass race will feature four or six cylinder cars that require no work to race.

All vehicles start the race and the last one still moving wins.

These cars can be purchased for $100 from Pronto Towing and Bushy’s Auto Repair, towed to the track and racers need to bring a full-face helmet and gas to race.

Anyone with a garden tractor can enter the garden tractor race, which will take place on the front straight.

The paintball display will be a few heats of speedball with competitors trying to get a flag to win.

Reinert said it will be a great time for the whole gamily with kids games played throughout the day and prizes galore.

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