Albion FC’s female coaching staff includes: L to R: Ireland, Jeneva, Elaina, Mady, Kaitlyn and Tanis

Spots left at free girls soccer camp in Maple Ridge

Albion FC hosts second Girls Rock! soccer camp Saturday June 19 at SRT

  • May. 18, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Spots are still available for Albion FC‘s Girl’s Rock! soccer camp, coming up on Saturday, June 19.

The free training session, which will be held at Samuel Robertson technical from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., will be for girl’s aged five to 16.

Technical director Bill Johnstone said the last camp, held in April, was well received.

“We had seven girls join the club,” he said, proudly.

“That’s one of our goals,” he added. “Get more girls in the club, and in sports in general.”

READ MORE: Albion FC hosting free soccer camp for girls

READ MORE: Maple Ridge hosts District Cup finals

Attendees will receive a Girl’s Rock t-shirt, and learn a little about the ‘beautiful game’ from a host of excellent role models for the sport.

One of those role models was recently promoted to mini tech lead and female lead.

Katelyn Erhardsen, 24, has played with Simon Fraser University, as well as the Whitecap Women and the Whitecap REX. Johnstone noted Erhardsen grew up in Maple Ridge, and has been involved with the club for several years.

“She’s really good,” he said. “And has been working on her coaching credentials, so we’ve promoted her.”

A little bit of light might be on the horizon for the club, as far as game play goes, but Johnstone is still remaining cautious in his optimism.

“We’re hoping we’ll have game play within the district by September,” he said, adding the kids are frustrated.

“We’re doing socially distant drills, as we can’t have scrimmages right now.”

Despite the odd circumstances, Albion FC is thriving.

“Our club has record spring numbers,” Johnstone said, noting registration is up 108 per cent since last year. “I think parents just want their kids doing something.”

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