Steelers tackle new football season in Ladysmith

Three weeks into the tackle football season, the Ladysmith Steelers are having a ball.

It's three weeks into the tackle football season, and the Ladysmith Steelers are having a ball.

It's three weeks into the tackle football season, and the Ladysmith Steelers are having a ball.

Three weeks into the tackle football season, and the Ladysmith Steelers are having a ball.

According to head coach Demetreos Bourodmos of the Ladysmith Minor Football Association, registration numbers in the Pee Wee (age eight-11) division are strong with 26 players. The Jr. Bantams (age 12-13) team, while a little low in numbers, is continuing to work hard.

“Everyone’s having a lot of fun,” Bourodemos said. “Our Pee Wees are having a very successful season with numbers and scoreboards.”

The season is now in its fourth week and will end Nov. 10.

During the season, the players will play against teams in Courtenay, Campbell River, Parksville and Nanaimo while learning the fundamentals of football (teamwork, co-operation and dealing with adversity).

Games are played most Saturdays, while practices are held Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Forrest Field.

The Pee Wee team dominated its third game of the season on Saturday (Sept. 22) with a 28-6 score against the Nanaimo Outlaws. Touchdowns were made by Ryker Pearson, Ryan Bastion, Dustin Jeanson and Keiran Morneau. Bourodemos said notable plays included two fumble recoveries by Felice Toscano and strong defensive play by Dru Write and Isaiah Coyne.

Meanwhile, the Jr. Bantams tied the NDSS Islanders 22-22 Saturday afternoon. Touchdowns were made by Joseph Coyne, Nick Derkoch, with a two-point conversion by Zach Morneau and Nick Derkoch.

Strong defensive play was made by Kendra Francis and Carmela Toscano.

To find out more information about the season or to register, contact Demetreos Bourodemos at 250-729-1519 or e-mail

Ladysmith Chronicle