Street dreams: Victoria player in Paris

Saanich product Richard Clemens is in Paris, France for the Homeless World Cup

Richard Clemens is going to the world cup. Clemens' inclusion on team Canada for the Homeless World Cup in Paris was celebrated with his Victoria Dreams Street Soccer club during regular Sunday afternoon practice at Vic High on Aug. 14.

Richard Clemens is going to the world cup. Clemens' inclusion on team Canada for the Homeless World Cup in Paris was celebrated with his Victoria Dreams Street Soccer club during regular Sunday afternoon practice at Vic High on Aug. 14.

Richard Clemens is going to the world cup.

Clemens’ inclusion on team Canada for the Homeless World Cup in Paris, Aug. 21-28.

On Monday he flew to Paris, where he’ll play with Team Canada in the Homeless World Cup with about 70 other countries. The tournament has been running since 2003, with a mandate to end homelessness through sport.

Clemens is a Gordon Head soccer product and was a provincial level soccer player as a teenager. A lifetime later he’s getting his shot at international play.


Victoria News