James Durand

James Durand

Successful summer?

I dropped Rhyley at her first day of school this week and as much as it seems like summer started yesterday, it is quickly coming to an end.

I dropped Rhyley at her first day of school this week and as much as it seems like summer started yesterday, it is quickly coming to an end.

As I started thinking of the highlights, I realized the summer was one big blur for me.

Sure, there were rides, a few day trips out of town, and things went great at Swicked, but I am having trouble finding actual highlights this year.

I had a very productive summer.

We renovated our town house and made some big changes at Swicked, all while managing to stay somewhat on top of day to day life (thanks Chenoa), but I still have trouble picking out any specific details.

If I measure my life by productivity, this summer was a smashing success, but in hindsight, I don’t know if I care.

Last Sunday, knowing our summer was almost over, we packed up the kids and the bikes and drove down to the Stevie Smith bike park in Nanaimo. Rhyley, Regan, Chenoa, and I all had an amazing afternoon on the pump tracks.

Watching how fast a two and seven year old can advance is inspiring.

After a few hours, we eventually had to drag the kids off the track and head for home … but then we stopped in Cumberland and sampled their bike park for a bit too. It was an epic day for all of us and my kids have never slept so well.

The more I think about it, I realize that the summer was a blur because I worked most of it.

I forgot to find balance and therefore it all just blew past me like I was standing still.

I remember one road trip with my buddies and that great day with my kids. I’m sure there were more highlights, but sadly they were buried under a task list somewhere.

I’m sure in many years from now when I’m on my death bed, I won’t be proud of wasting a summer so I could work harder.

I think we all need to do what we can to keep our passion alive, but not confuse it with what we do to survive.

I’m James Durand and I’m Goin’ Ridin’…

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