Summerland Steam lose twice in weekend hockey action

Summerland Steam lose twice in weekend hockey action

Junior B team in second-place spot in hockey division

The Summerland Steam lost twice in Junior B hockey action on the weekend.

On Friday, the team travelled to 100 Mile House to face the Wranglers, playing to a 4-2 loss.

In the first period, Harley Bootsma of the Wranglers scored on a power play at 8:04, assisted by Jackson Kowblick.

In the second period, Cody Barnes scored an unassisted power play goal for the Wranglers at 10:51.

The Steam’s first goal came on a power play at 6:00 when Gavyn Entzminger scored, assisted by Zack Cooper.

The Wranglers responded with a goal by Garrett Hunter at 2:19, assisted by Kowblick and Keil Maclaren.

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In the third period, the Steam added a goal by Cody Loring at 14:58, assisted by Cooper and Ty Banser.

The final goal came when Chase Calcoughnett-Lafleur of the Wranglers scored at 14:03, assisted by Quinn Mulder and Jack Stewart.

On Saturday, the Steam hosted the Chase Heat, playing to a 4-1 loss.

The first period was scoreless.

In the second period, Colton Nikiforuk of the Heat scored at 17:42, assisted by Breckin Erichuk and Luke Recchi.

The Steam responded at 16:08 with an unassisted goal by Cody Swan.

In the third period, Chase dominated with three unanswered goals.

At 8:39, Hayden Weibe scored, with assists by Erichuk and Trevor Kennedy.

Tyson Lampreau added a goal at 8:17, with assists by Cam Watson and Evan Hughes.

Jayden Russell scored the final goal on an empty net at 2:21, assisted by Gavin Mattey and Haden Nordick.

The Steam will be on the road this weekend. On Friday, Nov. 8 the team will face the Golden Rockets at the Golden Arena, beginning at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Nov. 9, the Steam will travel to Invermere to face the Columbia Valley Rockies. The game begins at 7 p.m.

At present, the Steam are in second place in the Okanagan/Shuswap Conference: Bill Ohlhausen Division of the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League.

The Steam’s record this season is eight wins, nine losses and two overtime losses.

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