Summerland Steam seeks billet families, volunteers

Summerland Steam seeks billet families, volunteers

Host families are needed for five out-of-town Junior B hockey players

The Summerland Steam is looking for volunteers to host out-of-town players and assist at home games.

Mike Rigby, general manager of the Junior B hockey team, said host families are still needed for five out-of-town players during the hockey season.

The hockey season begins at the end of this month and continues into April.

The players will be in Summerland beginning on the weekend of Aug. 25 and 26 for a training camp, and will then play during the team’s regular season.

Those hosting the players will receive a stipend to cover the costs of housing and feeding the players.

In addition, host families will receive tickets to all regular season home games. “It can be very, very rewarding,” Rigby said.

He added that some of the out-of-town players are in high school and will attend classes at Summerland Secondary School this year.

In addition to host families, the Junior B hockey team also needs other volunteers to assit this season.

Volunteer roles include a team photographer, security, ticket sales, merchandise sales, 50/50 ticket sales and intermission skaters. Those interested in volunteering are asked to contact Rigby at 250-490-5736.

Summerland Review