Swensson nominees: Alana Collman (DW Poppy)

Swensson nominees: Alana Collman (DW Poppy)

Meet Alana Collmann, one of the eight finalists for the Township of Langley's Pete Swensson Outstanding Community Youth Award

Alana Collmann is a musician, athlete and student-leader who has been on the honour roll every year since she first began at DW Poppy Secondary.

Collman was a nominee for the Pete Swensson Outstanding Community Youth Award, which is presented to a Grade 11 or 12 Langley student to recognize athletic achievements, scholastic effort, community involvement and personal qualities.

The award is presented in memory of Pete Swensson, an internationally recognized athlete and the originator of the Langley Walk, and this year’s recipient was Langley Fundamental’s Laura Stead.

Collmann has previously been named the top female athlete and participates in basketball, track and field, cross-country and volleyball at Poppy, as well as playing with the Langley Rugby Club.

At school, she is also the president of Global Voices, serves on the yearbook and student leadership teams, and is a member of the Poppy senior wind ensemble. And when not on the field or in the orchestra pit, Collmann can be found volunteering at the Kiwanis Music Festival or in the gym as a basketball scorekeeper.

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