Left - Yellowhead 4H Beef club. Right - Halle Smith (Yellowhead 4H) in front of lamb carcasses.

Left - Yellowhead 4H Beef club. Right - Halle Smith (Yellowhead 4H) in front of lamb carcasses.

The Provincial Winter Fair results are in

Yellowhead 4-H has a busy and successful show at the Provincial Winter Fair

The Yellowhead 4-H has had a busy and successful show season! We showed at the 2014 North Thompson Fall Fair and Rodeo and the Provincial Winter Fair. Our club was very proud to have these events in our hometown and we definitely represented Barriere well.

In the Sheep Division – Showmanship – Pre-Club:

Class 1-Austin Bijl 2nd, Logan Jones 3rd,

Pre- Club Championship Class Austin Bijl 4th,


Class 1- Sami Jones 2nd, Tanner Schilling 3rd ,

Class 2- Halle Smith 2nd, Cameron Kerslake 4th, Grace Kempter 5th, Levi Kempter 6th,

Class 3- Tyson Schilling 1st, Aaron Schilling 2nd, Riley Kempter 4th,

Junior Championship Class- Tyson Schilling 4th, Sami Jones 5th, Aaron VanSickle 6th


Class 1- Madison Kerslake 3rd, Tristan Brackman 4th, Hannah Feller 6th

Class 2- Sara Kate Smith 2nd, Tyler Schilling 3rd, Sheldon VanSickle 5th

Championship Class – Sara Kate Smith 3rd, Tyler Schilling 5th, Madison Kerslake 6th

Female Classes: Ewe Lamb Class- Hannah Feller 2nd, Sara Kate Smith 3rd

Ewe with Lamb at foot – Grace Kempter 2nd

Market – Open Market:

Class 2 – Austin Bijl 7th

Class 3 – Logan Jones 2nd

Championship Class – Logan Jones 4th

4-H Market: Class 1- Tyler Schilling 2nd, Aaron Vansickle 5th, Halle Smith 6th

Class 2- Tanner Schilling 1st, Sheldon VanSickle 2nd, Levi Kempter 5th, Riley Kempter 6th, Sara Kate Smith 8th

Class 3- Tyson Schilling 4th, Grace Kempter 6th

Class 4- Madison Kerslake 2nd, Sami Jones 3rd, Cameron Kerslake 4th

Championship Class- Tanner Schilling 5th, Sheldon VanSickle 6th, Madison Kerslake 7th, Tyson Schilling 8th

In the Beef Division – Showmanship:

Junior: Class 1- Kash Segouin 4th

Class 2-Lauren Tremblay 1st, Thompson Mitchell 3rd, Jonathan Fennell 5th

Champion Jr Showman – Lauren Tremblay

Senior: Class 3 – Tristan Brackman 2nd, Hannah Feller 3rd, Christine Kempter 4th, Jack Greenwell 5th.

Class 4 – Quinn Brackman 1st, Saul Lingren 3rd, Dustin Pawloff 4th, Kathleen Pilatzke 5th

Class 5- Leanna Mitchell 1st, Spencer Pawloff 4th

Senior Champion Showman – Tristan Brackman

Reserve Champion Showman – Leanna Mitchell

Overall Showman- Tristan Brackman 1st, Lauren Tremblay 2nd

Market Classes: Class 1- Lauren Tremblay 1st, Hannah Feller 3rd, Saul Lingren 4th

Class 2- Tristan Brackman 1st, Thompson Mitchell 2nd, Quinn Brackman 3rd, Christine Kempter 4th, Jack Greenwell 5th, Kash Sigouin 6th

Class 3- Kathleen Pilatzke 4th, Dustin Pawloff 5th

Class 4-Spencer Pawloff 2nd, Leanna Mitchell 3rd, Jonathan Fennell 4th

Female Classes: Heifer Class 1- Spencer Pawloff 2nd, Dustin Pawloff 6th

Cow Calf Class 1- Christine Kempter 1st, Leanna Mitchell 2nd

Overall Female of the Show- Christine Kempter


Champion Showmanship and record boo k- Madison Kerslake

Reserve Champion Record boo k- Pax Gregory

Reserve Champion Showmanship – Payden Irving

Beef – Weight Classes:

Class 32 – Saul Lingren 5th, Hannah Feller 7th

Class 34 – Christine Kempter 1st, Jack Greenwell 3rd, Lauren Tremblay 7th

Class 35 – Quinn Brackman 4th, Kash Segouin 6th

Class 36 – Thompson Mitchell 5th, Kathleen Pilatzke 6th

Class 37 – Dustin Pawloff 4th, Tristan Brackman 6th

Class 38 – Leanna Mitchell 2nd, Jonathan Fennell 5th, Spencer Pawloff 6th

Showmanship: Junior – Thompson Mitchell 3rd

Intermediate – Leanna Mitchell 2nd

Senior – Quinn Brackman 5th, Christine Kempter 7th, Tristan Brackman 8th

Female Classes:

Heifer Class – Spencer Pawloff 3rd, Dustin Pawloff 4th

Cow Calf – Leanna Mitchell 1st, Christine Kempter 2nd

Top Commercial Female – Christine Kempter

Top 4-H Female – Leanna Mitchell

Beef Judging:

Junior – Thompson Mitchell 5th, Jonathan Fennell 9th

Intermediate – Dustin Pawloff 2nd, Leanna Mitchell 3rd, Kathleen Pilatzke 8th

Senior – Jack Greenwell 1st, Quinn Brackman 2nd, Christine Kempter 7th, Tristan Brackman 8th, Spencer Pawloff 10th

Top Senior Beef Judge- Jack Greenwell

Sheep Results – Pre-Club Showmanship Classes:

Heat #1 (8-9 year olds)    Logan Jones  3rd, Austin Bijl 4th

4-H Showmanship Classes:

Senior Showmanship (15 – 19 year olds) Hannah Feller 9th

Intermediate – Heat #1 (13 – 14 year olds) Sara Kate Smith 2nd, Madison Kerslake 4th

Intermediate – Heat #2 (13 year olds) Tyler Schilling 3rd, Sheldon VanSickle 6th

Intermediate – Heat #3 (12 – 13 year olds) Grace Kempter 5th,

Intermediate – Heat #4 (12 year olds) Samantha Jones 1st

Intermediate Showmanship Championship:

Tyler Schilling 3rd, Sara Kate Smith 4th,  Samantha Jones 6th

Junior – Heat #1 (11 year olds) Tyson Schilling 1st, Aaron VanSickle 3rd, Cameron Kerslake 5th

Junior – Heat #2 (11 year olds) Halle Smith 2nd, Levi Kempter 4th

Junior – Heat #3 (10 year olds) Linden Ross 6th

Junior – Heat #5 (9 year olds) Riley Kempter 6th

Junior Showmanship – Championship:

Tyson Schilling 5th, Halle Smith 7th

4-H Ewe Classes – Ewe Lamb – Heat #1 6th – Sara Kate Smith

Heat #2 – 2nd – Hannah Feller

Ewe with Lamb at Foot 1st – (Champion) Grace Kempter

4-H Market Lamb Classes:

Class #56: 102-108 lbs. – Levi Kempter 1st, Aaron VanSickle 5th

Class #57: 109-115 lbs. – Tyler Schilling 5th, Sara Kate Smith 7th, Halle Smith 8th

Class #58: 116-119 lbs. – Riley Kempter 3rd, Grace Kempter 4th

Class #60: 127-136 lbs. – Tyson Schilling 2nd, Sheldon VanSickle 3rd, Linden Ross 7th

Class #61: 139-146 lbs. – Samantha Jones 3rd, Madison Kerslake 5th, Cameron Kerslake 6th

Youth Open Market Lamb Classes:

Class #64: 120-132 lbs. – Logan Jones 2nd, Austin Bijl 7th

4-H Carcass Lamb Class:

Halle Smith 1st – (Champion), Sara Kate Smith 2nd (Reserve Champion), Sheldon VanSickle 3rd, Tristan Brackman 4th

Overall Carcass Lamb – Championship: Halle Smith 1st – (Champion),  Sara Kate Smith 3rd , Sheldon VanSickle 5th, Tristan Brackman 6th

Group of Two Market Lambs: Tyler Schilling & Sara Kate Smith 3rd

Group of Three Market Lambs: Grace Kempter , Levi Kempter, Riley Kempter; Handler – Aaron VanSickle 2nd

Group of Five Market Lambs:

Samantha Jones, Cameron Kerslake, Linden Ross, Tyson Schilling, Sheldon VanSickle; Handlers – Halle Smith & Tanner Schilling 2nd

2013 Twemlow Trophy Class: Grace Kempter 2nd, Tyler Schilling 3rd

2014 Twemlow Event (for PWF 2015): Cameron Kerslake 2nd

Trim and Fit Class: Clipper Madison Kerslake and Helper Sheldon VanSickle 4th

Stall Competition: Yellowhead 4-H 2nd

Lamb Judging:

Seniors- Hannah Feller 6th, Tristan Brackman 9th

Intermediate -Madison Kerslake 3rd, Sara Kate Smith 5th, Tyler Schilling 9th

Junior – Tyson Schilling 3rd, Joshua Tremblay 5th, Halle Smith 8th, Cameron Kerslake 9th, Joshua Tremblay – Overall 2nd highest score in carcass judging

Junior Lamb High Aggregate – Runner-Up – Halle Smith

Intermediate Lamb High Aggregate –Sara Kate Smith

Photography Results – Photography Showmanship Classes:

Intermediate – Heat #1 (13 – 14 year olds) – Madison Kerslake 1st, Kathleen Pilatzke 2nd,  Eli Lingren 4th

Intermediate – Heat #2 (12 – 13 year olds) – Emma Hamblin 2nd, Payden Irving 3rd, Seanna Armstrong 5th

Intermediate Showmanship – Championship, Madison Kerslake 1st – (Champion), Emma Hamblin2nd – (Reserve Champion)

Junior – Heat #1 (10 – 11 year olds) – Pax Gregory 4th, Amber McNeice 5th

Photography Unit Work:

Unit 1 – Amber McNeice 1st, Seanna Armstrong 6th,  Payden Irving 9th

Unit 2 – Madison Kerslake 2nd, Emma Hamblin 3rd, Kathleen Pilatzke 4th, Eli Lingren 6th, Pax Gregory 8th

Photography Judging:

Intermediate Judging – Emma Hamblin 2nd, Kathleen Pilatzke 3rd, Madison Kerslake 4th, Eli Lingren 6th, Seanna Armstrong 7th, Payden Irving 8th

Junior Judging – Amber McNeice 3rd, Pax Gregory 6th

Overall Judging – Emma Hamblin 2nd (Reserve Champion)

Sale Photograph:

Intermediate –  Emma Hamblin (Title – There’s a Fly in My Eye) 1st,  Eli Lingren (Title – Old Beauty)2nd, Kathleen Pilatzke (Title – Frog on a Log)7th, Seanna Armstrong (Title – Train in the Country)8th, Madison Kerslake (Title – Stay Golden) 9th,Payden Irving (Title – Sunshine) 10th

Junior – Pax Gregory (Title – Frog in a Yellow Bucket)2nd,Amber McNeice (Title – Calm Evening) 5th

Champion Sale Photograph:  Emma Hamblin 2nd – (Reserve Champion)

Photography High Aggregate:  Emma Hamblin

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