The Monday Golden Age Bowling League (MGABL) held its season-ending roll-off on April 16, with eight teams competing.
“We had a full complement of 40 bowlers,” says MGABL president Laurreen Duff-Bailey.
The five-pin bowling league of people aged 55-plus has been meeting for years, she adds. The fun league starts in September and runs until mid-April.
“This year’s overall champion was The Strikers with a score of 5,081.”
The roll-offs started at 10 a.m., and while the secretary compiled the totals, the bowlers were involved in a bingo-bowl game.
The day ended with a banquet catered by B.J.’s Donuts and Eatery and prizes given out to the winners, says Duff-Bailey.
“Almost everybody comes out a winner. We collect money every week and a portion of it goes towards prizes and the banquet.”
The league also holds 50/50 raffles and has a “strike” box where bowlers can purchase a ticket for a chance to win the money if they get a strike.
Always an avid bowler, Duff-Bailey suffered from fibromyalgia and was involved in a car accident years ago. By moving up to the Cariboo in 2002, her health improved and more than eight years ago started bowling again.
“Bowling is a non-invasive exercise. I enjoy it.”
For more information, call Duff-Bailey at 250-791-6400.