Clayton Heights Secondary has recognized Cloverdale siblings Theresa, David and Elizabeth Hicks for outstanding athletic achievement over the past school year.
Theresa, 13, was recognized as MVP for her school’s Grade 8 girls basketball team, as well as named top female athlete for her grade.
She’s headed to Nanaimo as a member of the Fraser Valley Zone basketball team for the BC. Sumer Games later this month.
David, 17, earned MVP honours for senior boys soccer and Ultimate, and was named outstanding Grade 12 male athlete. He’ll play soccer for the Kwantlen University Eagles this fall.
Elizabeth, 15, was also named MVP for Junior Girls basketball, most improved player for junior girls volleyball, and was an outstanding Grade 10 athlete. She is playing for the U16 provincial soccer team this summer.
The three also play Tier 1 community soccer as part of the B.C. Soccer Premier League.
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