One lucky fan walked away with a cheque for $10,000 after shooting the puck through a small opening in the net during the second intermission of the Heat-Griffins game at the AESC on Saturday night.

One lucky fan walked away with a cheque for $10,000 after shooting the puck through a small opening in the net during the second intermission of the Heat-Griffins game at the AESC on Saturday night.

Throw for Dough finale draws big winner

Jubilant contest winner of $10,000. celebrates after his puck finds the mark on Saturday night at Heat game against Grand Rapid Griffins

One lucky contestant in the “Throw for Dough” contest finale walked away with a cheque for $10,000 after shooting a puck from centre ice into a small opening of a plastic cut-out sign.  The Abbotsford Heat in partnership with Panago and the Abbotsford News presented the Throw for Dough contest.

Abbotsford News