Trevor Erhardt steps aside as Kelowna Minor Hockey coach

Erhardt pursues a career opportunity after five years on the job

  • May. 16, 2014 12:00 p.m.

After five years as head coach of the Kelowna Minor Hockey Association, Trevor Erhardt is leaving the association to pursue another opportunity—a career in flying.

Erhardt, who took over the KMHA head coach role along with Ken Andrusiak from Larry Keating, has seen the association through many changes and significant expansion during his time as KMHA head coach, pushing the association to focus on skills development and helping to provide coaches with the proper training.

“While we’re very sorry to lose someone of Trevor’s calibre, his legacy will be felt at Kelowna Minor Hockey for years to come,” said says KMHA president Chad Biafore. “We wish him the very best in his future endeavors.”

Biafore added that Erhardt has been a hands-on head coach and has worked closely with volunteers, coaches, parents, the board and the kids involved in Kelowna Minor Hockey. He has brought to KMHA the same passion and work ethic that he displayed whether playing hockey in Europe or operating his own business in the past.

Kelowna Minor Hockey is now actively searching for a new head coach and Erhardt will participate in the hiring process as well as guiding and training the new coach during their first few months in the position.

The board, staff and members of Kelowna Minor Hockey thank Trevor for his unprecedented contribution and congratulate him on the next phase of his career.

Meanwhile the Kelowna Minor Hockey Annual General Meeting will be held this month, on May 29 at the Sandman Inn starting at 7 p.m.


Kelowna Capital News