Triathlon BC brings Mad Moto event to Cranbrook

Triathlon BC brings Mad Moto event to Cranbrook

Triathlon BC will be rolling through Cranbrook on June 3 and hosting a Mad Moto Event. The event targets youth in the 13 to 19 age group and it will act as the qualifying event for the 2018 BC Summer Games in Cowichan Valley.

  • May. 29, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Triathlon BC will be rolling through Cranbrook on June 3 and hosting a Mad Moto Event. The event targets youth in the 13 to 19 age group and it will act as the qualifying event for the 2018 BC Summer Games in Cowichan Valley.

A mad moto is a set of super short draft-legal triathlons that are completed in heats over a short period of time. The event aims to provide athletes the chance to develop speed, skills and race tactics while having fun at the same time.

Athletes will compete in heats of nine or less in a short distance triathlon of 200 metres, two kilometres and 600 metres. These heats are repeated until the two-hour timeframe is complete. Within the course of two hours, athletes can expect to complete about three of the short, draft-legal, triathlon.

The event, which goes from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Western Financial Place, has a swim course, bike course and run course. The Mad Moto swim courses are designed to be open water style swimming. Participants can expect a pool swim that involves laps around swim buoys. The closed bike course will take place in a parking lot where athletes will complete 4 500m loops. The lap-out rule will apply for this course. The 600-metre run course will be completed on a cement and, or mixed service.

The cost of registration for Triathlon BC members is $20 and can be set up here. Volunteers are also needed for the event, and so if you are able to assist with set up or safety monitoring you can contact

Mad moto events are great events for all types of athletes. The heats and style of racing allow for athletes to learn about tactical racing skills while having fun and enjoying the sport of triathlon.

Cranbrook Townsman