Play ball.
The Vernon and Area Senior Slo-Pitch League Tuesday and Thursday morning season is hoping to start up again in 2021.
The league got in a limited schedule in 2020 due to COVID.
The season is slated to start May 4 and runs until August.
“Our league is comprised of two divisions, Co-Ed and Men’s Competitive,” said spokesperson Stephen Feedham. “We play Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. (at the army camp).”
The age categories are Women 45 and over and Men 50 and over.
If you have played before and would like to get involved, or would just like to try something new, the league will be happy to have you.
“We are currently awaiting news from the provincial health officer in regards to the Return to Play plan for our sport,” said Feedham. “We followed all protocols last season and will again this year if play is approved. Safe, healthy fun is our main goal.”
For more information about the Co-ed league, contact Feedham at or Ron Huntington at
For details about the men’s competitive division, contact Alex Stratton at
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