Viqueens start strong in Alberta tournament

Viqueens start strong in Alberta invitational tournament

The Nechako Valley Secondary senior girls basketball team is off to a successful start after finishing in third place in the Ross Shepherd Invitational in Edmonton this past weekend.

The Nechako Valley Secondary senior girls basketball team is off to a successful start after finishing in third place in the Ross Shepherd Invitational in Edmonton this past weekend.

Submitted by Vaughn Mueller,coach of the NVSS senior girls basketball team


The Nechako Valley Secondary senior girls basketball team is off to a successful start after finishing in third place in the Ross Shepherd Invitational in Edmonton this past weekend.

The girls opened up against the hosts in front of 2000 screaming fans! “It was a hostile environment” said Mueller, coach of the NVSS senior girls. “I was really proud of the way they maintained their focus. They worked extremely hard and executed well, and as a result were able to wear there opponents down and come away with the win by a score of 55-48.”

Game two featured a tough matchup against the #2 AAAA ranked Spruce Grove. “This was a great game as both teams battled back and fourth,” Mueller said. “We played well for the most part, however, missed lay ups, and a spell of poor defence really cost us.”

Spruce grove pulled away from the Viqueens in the fourth, handing the girls their first loss of the season by a score of 52-32.

This put the team into what turns out to be a fantastic battle for third place against traditional power house St. Albert. This game was a sea-saw back and fourth battle for the entire 40 minutes.  With 14 seconds left Sydney Andres hit a huge long range jumper to put the Sky Hawks on ice, winning by a score of 71-68.

“This was a fantastic bounce back test for the girls,”said Mueller. “It’s what veteran teams do, they bounce back and take care of business.”

The Viqueens next action is this coming weekend in Chilliwack, where they will take on some of the top AA teams in the province.


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