Warriors owner, Kim Dobranski cuts Penticton Vee’s fan, Jon Race’s hair for cancer fundraiser photo: contributed

Warriors owner, Kim Dobranski cuts Penticton Vee’s fan, Jon Race’s hair for cancer fundraiser photo: contributed

West Kelowna Warriors raise money for cancer

A playful wager resulted in an on-ice hair cut

  • Dec. 23, 2018 12:00 a.m.

A playful competition between the Penticton Vees and the West Kelowna Warriors has raised money for cancer.

Warriors owner, Kim Dobranski wagered with Penticton Vee’s fan Jon Race that if he could raise over $5oo to be donated to the Cassidy Bowes Cancer fund that he would have to cut his hair.

After raising $505 on the gofundme page, Dobranski won the scissors to give Race the hair cut himself at the Vee’s home game against the Warriors Dec. 21.

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Raising money for cancer was especially close to his heart as his mother is currently battling cancer.

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Dobranski and Race were all smiles during the on ice hair cut.

The Warriors will continued to accept donations Friday night during the Penticton game.

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