During the 40th Annual Minor Hockey Jamboree, Saturday, January 22, all local teams (except for Initiation, which will play itself) have invited a Vancouver Island team to compete against.
All players will also compete in a skills competition, from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Coaches will split teams evenly amongst various categories.
The areas of competition include:
• Team blue will start facing the clock, and team white will start facing the warm room.
• Full lap around the cones.
• Skater must cross the red line before the next skater starts.
• Point for the first team finished.
• Players weave through all cones to the end and back. Initiation goes to the furtherst cone and back (no weaving).
• Player must cross the red line before the next player goes.
• Point for the first team finished.
• White team shoots on the blue goalie, and blue team shoots on the white goalie within the appropriate divisions.
• There will be five pucks per group and each group will rotate between players until five goals have been scored or three minutes is up.
• If a shooter does not score, they must retrieve the puck and pass it to the next player. If the shooter scores, the next player takes a new puck.
• Initiation – Coaches will receive unscored pucks and pass to the next shooter.
• A point will be awarded to the team that finished first, or hast he most goals when the time runs out.