Women’s Soccer to host tournament

Team Janga is currently holding the lead in the Terrace Women’s Soccer Association.

The indoor season kicked off to a start Oct. 14. and is hosting five local teams.

Following the Janga’s 75 points are the Nuyens and Back Eddy teams, who are tied for second place in the standings with 62 points each.

The Geir waste ladies are in fourth with 30 points, and the Acadia team is in fifth place, with 29 points.

The league is calling for registration for its upcoming 2011 indoor tournament, Feb. 25-27.

The tournament is open to all skill levels, although players must be at least 16 years of age.

All teams will be guaranteed at least two games. The final number of teams registered will determine the final tournament format.

There will be a meet and greet for the event, with the location and time still to be announced.

For more information people can contact Jodie Meek at (250) 638-1718, or jodiemeek@citywest.ca.

Terrace Standard