From left to right: Ryan Pugh, Logan Lybeck, Connor Christie, Justin Pugh, Frank Gonzalez. Ronan O’Doherty photo

From left to right: Ryan Pugh, Logan Lybeck, Connor Christie, Justin Pugh, Frank Gonzalez. Ronan O’Doherty photo

Young Quesnel hockey refs receive awards for great season

QDMHA threw a banquet for their young refs to reward their good work after local tournament

  • Mar. 30, 2018 12:00 a.m.

While fans of the Quesnel Thunder Midget Tier 2 team bask in their success over the weekend, a sometimes unrecognized element of the tournament celebrated the end of its season at Savalas Steakhouse on Monday (Mar. 26).

Twenty-six referees, ranging in age from 12 to 17, enjoyed a meal and all the pop they could drink courtesy of the Quesnel and District Minor Hockey Association (QDMHA).

Once the meal was finished, Frank Gonzales, Referee in Chief for QDMHA, presented awards to four of the young refs.

Connor Christie won the Most Dedicated award, the Unsung Hero award went to Logan Lybeck, Ryan Pugh won the Most Improved trophy and Justin Pugh was awarded the Rookie of the Year.

Two of the four referees who called the Gold Medal game between the Thunder and the team from Prince George were present as well.

Doug Gassoff, who has been a referee for eight years, says it was by far the most enjoyable game he’s ever reffed.

“We called five or six penalties all game,” he says, “and that doesn’t happen very often. That’s low, low, low.”

Gassoff says he has lined a couple Junior B games as well as a few Kangaroo contests in town, but this game was special.

“It was the first provincials in the new rink, which was the biggest deal by far,” he says.

“Brand-new rink, Quesnel versus PG, there’s no more important game.”

He says the refs from all over did an excellent job on the tournament, remarking that the coaches didn’t complain in the final game at all.

“There were no angry people at the end of the weekend, so that’s what makes us happy.”

Darby Madill was on the ice as a lineman in the gold medal game. He says the arena was bursting with energy as the hometown crowd cheered on their team.

“We couldn’t even hear our own whistles.”

Madill also comments on how difficult it can be to wear the stripes in such a big game played at home.

“You want to see the hometown guys win but you can’t show the bias,” he says.

“We’re taught that from the beginning, even with friends on the team.”

Quesnel Cariboo Observer