Penticton 2016 BC Winter Games Photography Chair Shawn Kennedy, middle, goes over a photography lesson with students involved in the BC Winter Games Young Reporters program.

Penticton 2016 BC Winter Games Photography Chair Shawn Kennedy, middle, goes over a photography lesson with students involved in the BC Winter Games Young Reporters program.

Young Reporters program puts student volunteers right in BC Winter Games action

The Penticton 2016 BC Winter Games Young Reporters program is bringing together approximately 50 Penticton students.

Written by: Nyah Mellor

BCWG Young Reporter

The Penticton 2016 BC Winter Games Young Reporters program is bringing together approximately 50 Penticton students to be part of the excitement.

The Games are giving students a way to participate through volunteering in the areas of photography, social media and news reporting. The students (between the ages of 13-17) are joining the volunteer workforce of over 1,800 people for the Games.

“We thought this was a great way to get the youth involved in the excitement of the Games,” said Director of Promotions, Kristi Patton. “The Young Reporters program not only shares the spirit of the Games but leaves a living legacy with the students teaching them communication, photography, writing and digital media skills.”

The Young Reporters program is spearheaded by the Promotions Directorate including Public Relations Chair Simone Blais, Digital Media Chair Kelly Hopkins and Photography Chair Shawn Kennedy. The Young Reporters will be using the skills they have learned over the four days that the athletes will be in Penticton to take action photos of competition, deliver information through social media and interview athletes to be used in news stories.

Noah Hanson, 13, always had an interest in photography but never thought he would take it anywhere. Through training sessions, that includes around 280 man hours of learning, he has discovered new things about photography.

“I was always interested in photography but I wasn’t sure if I would take it anywhere. Now I have signed up for courses through high school and think it would be something I will be interested in the future as possibly a career,” said Hanson.

Max Wesselly is an exchange student from Germany that took part in the Young Reporters program to learn something new. The Princess Margaret Secondary student said volunteering isn’t that popular of a thing to do in Germany like it is in Penticton but he thought he would try something new.

“I enjoy volunteering because it is for a good reason. In Germany it is almost like you are uncool if you volunteer, but it has been fun,” said Wesselly.

The Promotions team is a big part of the Games and, along with 14 other Directorates, has been preparing for 14 months to bring the event together.

Promotions has been spreading the word around the community about volunteer opportunities, designed the souvenir guide for the athletes, created press releases about all the events and Games stories and brought a bunch of volunteering students together to learn new skills. This is a great program that allows kids to learn so much and to interact with kids from all over B.C.

The BC Games is helping all the youth in the province step up and find their place in this world.

Nyah Meller is a Grade 8 student at Skaha Lake Middle School and is part of the Penticton 2016 BC Winter Games Young Reporters program.

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