College sports

Maddie Leaney of Union College was named as one of the players on the Hockey Commissioners Association’s National Women’s Rookie of the Year watch list. (Canadian Sports School Hockey League/Special to The News)

Maple Ridge hockey player only B.C. woman to make rookie of the year watch list

Maddie Leaney is 1 of 26 players on the Hockey Commissioners Association list


Riley Brinnen of Kelowna was injured in a car crash in Kamloops on Nov. 29, 2023. (GoFundMe)

Thompson River University student from Kelowna injured in fatal crash

Riley Brinnen graduated from Kelowna Secondary School in 2020

  • Dec 3, 2023


Kelowna Rockets outmaneuver the Vancouver Giants in a thrilling game, securing a 5-4 victory on Friday night. (Steve Dunsmoor)

Vancouver Giants fall to Kelowna Rockets in a close game

5-4 defeat despite impressive start from Cull and Palmieri


The Thunder scored a combined 31 goals in games one and two (which featured an additional 15:41 of overtime) but since then, the team has found the back of the net 23 in three consecutive losses. (Photo courtesy of Gary Ahuja/Langley Thunder)

Langley Thunder on the brink of elimination

Peterborough wins game 5; takes 3-2 series lead over langley in Mann Cup

  • Sep 16, 2022
The Thunder scored a combined 31 goals in games one and two (which featured an additional 15:41 of overtime) but since then, the team has found the back of the net 23 in three consecutive losses. (Photo courtesy of Gary Ahuja/Langley Thunder)
Langley Township is hosting the Bell Canadian Track and Field Championships Wednesday June 22 to Sunday, June 26, at McLeod Athletic Park. (Tanmay Ahluwalia/Langley Advance Times)

Langley youth heading to the finals, competing in 400m hurdle

She ran for her personal best in the semi-finals at the Track and Field Championships

Langley Township is hosting the Bell Canadian Track and Field Championships Wednesday June 22 to Sunday, June 26, at McLeod Athletic Park. (Tanmay Ahluwalia/Langley Advance Times)