sex education

TV sexpert Sue Johanson is seen in an undated still frame on the set of her show “Talk Sex.” Johanson passing the torch to a new generation of online educators is the subject of a new documentary that traces her career and explores her legacy. THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Corus Entertainment

TV host Sue Johanson, who helped destigmatize the joy of sex, dead at 93

Grandmotherly demeanour, blunt talk earned her call-in advice shows a loyal following


Hotel Zed Tofino staff Jennie Foster, left, Ki Berentsen and Myles Beeby pose with the new amenity parked at the back of the property. (Nora O’Malley photo)

Cheeky ’70s themed ‘Shaggin’ Wagon’ pops up in Tofino ahead of Valentine’s Day

The Shaggin’ Wagon is in town for a good time, but not a long time


Greater Victoria high school students call for greater sexual assault education in front of the B.C. legislature on April 10, 2022. (Black Press Media file photo)

Yes, no, maybe-so: Canadians don’t understand consent, new study reveals

Study emphasizes a need for better sexual education, consent awareness and abuse prevention