Ann Marie Hak

Sue Jones (L) and Miake Elliott (R), directors of the Houston Mountain Bike Association made a presentation to the Houston council on Jan. 17.

Houston mountain bike presents to council

Houston Mountain Bike Association (HMBA) presented to council a quest of support

Sue Jones (L) and Miake Elliott (R), directors of the Houston Mountain Bike Association made a presentation to the Houston council on Jan. 17.
Houston Secondary School (HSS) versus Smithers Secondary School on Jan. 13 in a basketball game at the HSS gymnasium.

Houston basketball game against Smithers

Houston Secondary School (HSS) versus Smithers Secondary School on Jan. 13 in a basketball game at the HSS gymnasium.

Houston Secondary School (HSS) versus Smithers Secondary School on Jan. 13 in a basketball game at the HSS gymnasium.
Family fun playing playing road hockey on Hungerford Drive.

Road hockey in Houston

Family fun playing playing road hockey on Hungerford Drive.

Family fun playing playing road hockey on Hungerford Drive.
On Dec.7 an atoms hockey tournament was held at the Claude Parish Memorial arena between the Houston Flyers and Fort St. James Stars.

Houston Flyers against Fort St. James

On Dec.7 an atoms hockey tournament was held at the Claude Parish Memorial arena between the Houston Flyers and Fort St. James Stars.

On Dec.7 an atoms hockey tournament was held at the Claude Parish Memorial arena between the Houston Flyers and Fort St. James Stars.
Trevor Sowers and dog, Finnie, out for a bike ride on Dec. 10 near trails.

Fat biking a great winter sport in Houston

Winter trail biking is an old activity in Houston that has recently found more interest, especially for those like Sowers that own fat bikes

Trevor Sowers and dog, Finnie, out for a bike ride on Dec. 10 near trails.
Rebecca Verbeek (L), Cindy Verbeek, and Regina Meints observing small coho fry at Buck Creek.

District of Houston supports Salmon hatchery

The Upper Bulkley Valley Streamers (UBVS) received funding from various contributors to construct a permanent salmon hatchery in Houston.

Rebecca Verbeek (L), Cindy Verbeek, and Regina Meints observing small coho fry at Buck Creek.
Avalanche Canada forecasters and members of the Houston Snowmobile club up in Telkwa inspecting and raising weather station.

Backcountry avalanche awareness

avalanche forecasters from Avalanche Canada, discussed some of the things that Avalanche Canada is doing to increase awareness

Avalanche Canada forecasters and members of the Houston Snowmobile club up in Telkwa inspecting and raising weather station.

Challenges of staying active in winter

Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and good sleep habits are a few of the options CMHA suggests to treat SAD and other forms of depression.

Skaters from the Houston Figure Skating club performing and holding their awards from the competition in Vanderhoof on Dec. 2 and 4.

Houston Figure Skating club shines at competition

The Houston Figure Skating club travelled to compete with Prince Rupert and Vanderhoof teams in a variety of divisions

Skaters from the Houston Figure Skating club performing and holding their awards from the competition in Vanderhoof on Dec. 2 and 4.

Enjoying the snow

Nothing like a day outside cross country skiing to make a migraine go away. Fresh air, powdery snow, and kids just wanting to have fun.

Resolutions for 2017

As 2016 approached its end, I started to take inventory of my life and began doing some major removal and cleansing.

Allan Bieganski (L), General Manager for Vanderhoof and Districts Co-op, shaking hands with Andy Muma (R), Houston Search and Rescue board director, as they hold a cheque of $5000 for the Houston Search and Rescue’s new swift water rescue boat.

Vanderhoof and Districts Co-op donates $5,000 to Houston Search and Rescue

The Houston Search and Rescue was one of the recipients of this support fund

Allan Bieganski (L), General Manager for Vanderhoof and Districts Co-op, shaking hands with Andy Muma (R), Houston Search and Rescue board director, as they hold a cheque of $5000 for the Houston Search and Rescue’s new swift water rescue boat.

District of Houston applies for community wildfire protection plan grant

On Dec. 20 council agreed to resolve and authorize District of Houston staff to apply to the Strategic Wildfire PreventionInitiative

rince Rupert opts out of 2017 Hwy. 16 annual transit contribution

Mayor Shane Brienen reported at the Dec. 20 regular council meeting an update about the Hwy. 16 regional transit service.

The newspaper business

It has been very flattering receiving so many compliments and requests of the photos I have been taking for the HoustonToday newspaper.

On Dec. 17 and 18 there was a home tournament for pewee hockey at the Houston Claude Parish Memorial arena. Houston lost both games. Against Vanderhoof the score was eight to three. Against Terrace, Houston lost seven to zero.

Peewee hockey home tournament

On Dec. 17 and 18 there was a home tournament for pewee hockey at the Houston Claude Parish Memorial arena.

On Dec. 17 and 18 there was a home tournament for pewee hockey at the Houston Claude Parish Memorial arena. Houston lost both games. Against Vanderhoof the score was eight to three. Against Terrace, Houston lost seven to zero.
On Dec. 13 at the Houston Volunteer Fire Department, an emergency response training meeting was held. The focus of the meeting was a scenerio of a train derailing. Questions of what issues this may cause, what kind of procedures should be in place, and the protocals of action should be were discussed. This is the first emergency response meeting the town has had since 2012. “The objective is to get stakeholders and officials to work together,” commented Michael Glavin, Chief Administrative Officer for the District of Houston.

Town emergency response training meeting

On Dec. 13 at the Houston Volunteer Fire Department, an emergency response training meeting was held.

On Dec. 13 at the Houston Volunteer Fire Department, an emergency response training meeting was held. The focus of the meeting was a scenerio of a train derailing. Questions of what issues this may cause, what kind of procedures should be in place, and the protocals of action should be were discussed. This is the first emergency response meeting the town has had since 2012. “The objective is to get stakeholders and officials to work together,” commented Michael Glavin, Chief Administrative Officer for the District of Houston.

Houston Today wishes everyone a Merry Christmas

Oh Christmas, how wonderful you are. Houston by all accounts embodies the spirit of Christmas.

Council agrees to amend Hwy.16 regional transit program contract

With a population of 3120, the District of Houston would be charged up to $15,600 annually.

At the Claude Parish Memorial arena on Dec. 10 and 11 there was a ringette home tournament for divisions U14, andU16. U14 had four losses, two of them by only one goal. U16 had two wins and one tie. Every player crushed the ice with their energy, playing til every whistle and the last buzzer.

Ringette tourny in Houston

At the Claude Parish Memorial arena on Dec. 10 and 11 there was a ringette home tournament for divisions U14, andU16.

At the Claude Parish Memorial arena on Dec. 10 and 11 there was a ringette home tournament for divisions U14, andU16. U14 had four losses, two of them by only one goal. U16 had two wins and one tie. Every player crushed the ice with their energy, playing til every whistle and the last buzzer.