Paul Latimer

Latimer: Antisocial personality often shows before age eight

People with this condition seldom seek help for their antisocial pattern of behaviour.

Latimer: Personalized medicine one step closer

It is a wonderful feeling when finally, after many…trials one gets it right and the patient comes in saying they have never felt better.

Latimer: Psychiatrist very different from psychologist

Battling incorrect treatment myths and stereotypes of mental illness

Author says altruism generates true happiness

Dr. Paul Latimer addresses what can create happiness.

Latimer: Author says altruism generates true happiness

Author Mattieu Ricard says altruism and compassion, among qualities that combine to create happiness.

Latimer: Wisdom trumps intelligence for life satisfaction

Research shows life achievement is more closely linked with wisdom than innate intelligence.

Dr. Paul Latimer

Treatment helps depressed teens

Depression among adolescents is a common and serious issue affecting as many as 10 per cent of youth between the ages of 12 and 17.

Dr. Paul Latimer

Latimer: Treatment helps depressed teens

Due to stigma and incorrect understanding…most depressed teens don’t get any professional help.

Latimer: Ask your doctor about medications and memory

The new study highlights the importance of continuing to examine medication use.

Latimer: Anticholinergic drugs and dementia risk

Tricyclic antidepressants, first-generation antihistamines and antimuscarinics for bladder control were studied.

Latimer: ADHD and the risk of premature death

A recent study in Denmark has shown those diagnosed with ADHD have twice the risk of premature death.

Latimer: Work activities protect against memory loss

Work tasks over the course of a career were more strongly linked to later brain function than education.

Latimer: Evidence-based medicine: Whose responsibility is it?

Drug development is one example of evidence-based medicine…and it is surprising how easily we take it for granted.

Latimer: Predicting Alzheimer’s progression

For patients and their loved ones, not knowing how much time is left can be very stressful.

Latimer: Not criminally responsible due to mental disorder

Misinformation circulates about…being found not criminally responsible due to a mental disorder.

Latimer: Importance of cognitive deficits in psychiatric disorders

Much more research is needed on this aspect of psychiatric treatment and assessment.

Latimer: Telemedicine gives mental health a boost

Mental health care is turning out to be one area of health that is adapting well to modern developments.

Latimer: Cannabis use and treatment of bipolar disorder

Unfortunately, cannabis does not generally have a positive effect on any psychiatric conditions.

Latimer: Social anxiety disorder

Much more than shyness, social anxiety disorder is one of the most common psychiatric conditions.

Latimer: The under-diagnosis of dementia

Few specialists are qualified to give detailed testing for dementia…these services are not usually included under…medical coverage.