Paul Latimer

Latimer: Unrecognized Importance of cognitive deficits in psychiatric disorders

An important aspect of mental illness involves cognitive function.

Latimer: Youth mental health services need direction

Less than a third of B.C.’s children and youth with mental illness find the help they need. This is unacceptable.

Latimer: Exciting developments in Alzheimer’s research

…estimates suggest we are on the brink of an Alzheimer's epidemic.

Latimer: Youth mental health services – who should be responsible?

One of the most challenging and frustrating parts of raising a child with a mental health issue is simply navigating available resources.

Paul Latimer

LATIMER: Doctors prescribing income to patients

Toronto doctor develops four-step strategy to help address low income of patients facing physical or mental health issues.

Paul Latimer

Latimer: Medical studies indicate many genes link to autism

These latest studies have now identified 60 genes with more than 90 per cent chance of increasing the risk of autism.

Latimer: Genes linked to autism

A study has identified 60 genes with more than 90 per cent chance of increasing the risk of autism.

Latimer: Medicine Hat achieves a great first

Medicine Hat is showing that the goal of ending homelessness is achievable.

Latimer: Human genome bank online will be a game changer

Google plans to store entire copies of the human genome online.

Latimer: Mayors prioritize mental health

I don’t think it is beyond our grasp to create a well-organized network of services for those who need it.

Latimer: The psychiatric implications of glucocorticoids, such as Prednizone

These widely used medications have been shown to have quite a range of psychiatric side effects—some of which cause long-term symptoms.

Latimer: B.C. mayors prioritize mental health

B.C. mayors want the province to provide more long-term care beds for those with severe addictions and mental illness and increase services.

Latimer: Canada helps UK learn about workplace depression

Some countries in Europe and elsewhere are turning to Canada to help them create strategies of their own for battling depression.

Latimer: Brain research projects offer exciting opportunities

More than $51 million of Health Canada money will be used to help researchers learn more about the way the brain and nervous system works.

Latimer: New drug combo for weight loss

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a new combination drug for weight loss but it's not yet approved in Canada.

Latimer: Address bullying at home

Our children receive instruction at school on how to identify and handle schoolyard bullies—what about at home?

Latimer: Changing face of heroin addiction

In the last decade, 90 per cent of new heroin users were white and include older men and women from outside large urban centres.

Latimer: Mental illness comes out of the shadows

Although we don’t often hear about it, suicide takes a huge toll on our society.

Latimer: Depression treatment needs a professional’s help

Before making a decision about treatment…it is important to get complete information from a qualified professional.

Latimer: A panic attack is bad enough, but it’s followed by distress

If you or a loved one are experiencing panic attacks, speak with your doctor about it. Effective help is available.