Jack Emberly

Jack Emberly.

Along the Fraser: Better place to live with empathy

At Christmas time, “active listening” – the term Adler gave this form of communication – could be the best present someone ever got.

Jack Emberly.
Jack Emberly.

Along the Fraser: It’s time to revisit manners

I’m driving west on Lougheed Highway towards Harris Road in Pitt Meadows, checking mirrors for vehicles closing in quickly, even though ...

Jack Emberly.
Jack Emberly.

Along the Fraser: Giving notice about housing

The NDP’s father of medicare was the voter’s overwhelming choice for premier of Saskatchewan in 1944.

Jack Emberly.
Jack Emberly.

Along the Fraser: Efforts to improve the slough

The event was the second of two garbage clean-ups this year inspired by Scott Magri, of the Katzie Slough Restoration Project.

Jack Emberly.
Jack Emberly.

Along the Fraser: Exercising their right to vote

Everyone who votes in federal elections must show ID and proof of residence.

Jack Emberly.
Jack Emberly.

Along the Fraser: Voting where a resident returns

Why I accepted the role of community relations worker for the homeless.

Jack Emberly.
Jack Emberly.

Along the Fraser: Horse gentling in the Cariboo

Traditionally, Step 1 was to make a horse submit to a saddle by riding him until he quit bucking.

Jack Emberly.
Jack Emberly.

Along the Fraser: The time the power went out

For me, the blackout was an inconvenience. For others, it was scary, and costly.

Jack Emberly.
Jack Emberly.

Maple Ridge gets in transition

Transition Movement numbers over 400 independent affiliates world-wide, including the Golden Ears Transition.

Jack Emberly.
Jack Emberly.

Along the Fraser: Opposition to blind progress

“Impossible to believe anybody who thinks there won’t be an incident,” if oil tankers sail on coast.

Jack Emberly.
Helping Mother Nature heal

Helping Mother Nature heal

Pitt Meadows initiated a similar process for “unslightly materials” on farmland along Katzie Slough.

Helping Mother Nature heal

Slough was Katzie’s highway

“Paddle a mile in a canoe and you’re already a child of nature.” – Pierre Elliot Trudeau.

Putting a hole in community

We have to house the homeless

Fires and people shooting up aren’t good for business.

Putting a hole in community
Putting a hole in community

Putting a hole in community

Changes in federal funding now exclude emergency shelters that counsel children despite their effectiveness.

Putting a hole in community

Who I met on Burnaby Mountain

I wanted to hear the stories of people on TV who looked like our neighbours

Abandonment of small streams

What’s going on in Coho Creek?

Black eggs in spawning salmon are “not normal but not abnormal” – DFO fish health vet, Chris MacWilliams.

Abandonment of small streams
Abandonment of small streams

Fish dying without spawning

Pink and orange are normal colors for ripe eggs inside female salmon.

Abandonment of small streams
Abandonment of small streams

Abandonment of small streams

DFO diligently monitored “smaller stocks,” recorded the numbers for each species, and noted factors that weakened the resource.

Abandonment of small streams
Salmon, sturgeon all around us

Salmon, sturgeon all around us

Trek to spawning streams, Part 2: salmon, sturgeons, and sasquatches.

Salmon, sturgeon all around us
Yearly trek to spawning streams

Old cars and our mortality

Anthropomorphists give inanimate objects names, ascribe personalities to them, and confide in them like friends.

Yearly trek to spawning streams