James Murray

Alien invasions and human intervention

There seems to be a heck of a lot of shows about extra-terrestrial alien species travelling to earth.

Fishing for new boat and gear for spring

With the promise of spring and the start of a new fishing season, there is always something to look forward to

More about the process of getting there

At first I thought it was a group of people out doing the Annual Christmas Bird Count who were looking for something that had been dropped

Giving up the notion of ice fishing

Last Jan. 1, as I looked out my window, contemplating the winter ahead, I somehow got it into my head that I wanted to try ice fishing

Returning to my Christmas roots

When I was a kid of five or six, I used to think that spruce and fir trees grew in neat tidy rows out front of Gerlovin’s hardware store

Give kids gift of great outdoors

In his book, Louv suggests that today’s children are so plugged into electronic diversions that they have lost any meaningful connection

Choice of rods can overwhelm

As Christmas rapidly approaches, many people are trying to find that perfect gift for the angler on their list.

Hand-tied flies a gift that keeps on giving

And so it has begun. CBC Radio was playing Christmas carols this morning.

Seeing the forest for the virtual trees

I cannot help but wish it was summer once again and I was sitting in a boat somewhere casting a fly line

Volunteers clean up after others

Last week I walked into Westside Stores and was immediately confronted by the owner, Jason Bellows.

Future holds visits to thrift shop

November is here already. I mean where did the #@&#!! summer go.

Looking for repeal of legislation

It would seem that prime minister-elect Justin Trudeau and his Liberal majority government are off to a good start

Looking for repeal of legislation

Now that all the election promises have been made, the votes have been cast, the people have had their say…

Beating the heat with books

This summer was hot, hot, hot. While I did manage to get in a couple of pretty good days casting to some nice cutthroat trout

Preparing for return of winter

Pale orange hues lined the few wisps of clouds that hung in the sky above the mountains.

Catching most of the blood moon

Last Sunday’s total lunar eclipse, more often referred to as a ‘blood moon,’ was pretty impressive.

Wolf cull may have reverse effect

The BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations announced in a statement that they were initiating a “cull”

Fishing inspires philosophers

Rene Descartes once decreed “I fish, therefore I am” or something to that effect

Fly patterns I’ve come to rely on

Over the years, I have acquired a fair number of different fly patterns. Some I have come to depend on

Turn your eyes to the night sky

On the evening of Aug. 14, along with countless others in North America, I stood beneath a new moon looking up at the night sky