James Murray

Derby set to return for Father’s Day

It would be an understatement to say that I have been looking forward to spring and the beginning of fishing season

Keeping it real in the great outdoors

I have been writing this column, in one form or another, for more than 40 years.

Waiting for opportunity to strike again

I wrote about anticipating the blood moon and lunar eclipse which happened in the early hours of Tuesday, April 15.

Looking forward to looking upward

Throughout history, mankind has always been intrigued by both the sun and the moon.

Taking a shot at one of the big ones

I’m not sure why I have waited until this stage of my life to take on the really ‘big boys’ of sport fishing

Glass fusion artist Sharda Murray-Kieken with a piece from Elements in Fusion on display April 5 to 26 at the SAGA Public Arts Centre.

Elements in Fusion – works by glass fusion artist Sharda Murray-Kieken

Works by glass fusion artist Sharda Murray-Kieken will be on display April 5 to 26 at the SAGA Public Arts Centre.

Glass fusion artist Sharda Murray-Kieken with a piece from Elements in Fusion on display April 5 to 26 at the SAGA Public Arts Centre.

The ones that will help you the most

All I know for sure is that once the ice is off, and the lakes have turned over, I’ll be heading out to cast my first line of the new season

Casting away to a glimmer of hope

How many times have I stood, knee-deep in the fast flowing waters of a river somewhere, casting my two-handed spey rod…

Clean up mess on our planet first

The environment, not to mention the whole of the natural world around us, is heading for hell in a hand basket. Or so it would seem

Bumpy road ahead for fish stocks

I don’t know how many times I’ve found myself bumping my way along some back road, missing one pothole just so that I could hit another

Wild fish and game more appealing

I spent some time reading the Vancouver Aquarium’s Ocean Wise Program website, ocean wise.ca

Ray Hear, assisted by two others, rescue a deer that was stranded on the ice Wednesday on Shuswap Lake. The deer had been chased out onto the ice by coyotes.

Deer rescued from ice on Shuswap Lake

Three men went out on the ice of Shuswap Lake Wednesday to rescue a deer that hade been chased out onto the ice by coyotes.

Ray Hear, assisted by two others, rescue a deer that was stranded on the ice Wednesday on Shuswap Lake. The deer had been chased out onto the ice by coyotes.

No conflict in eating local wild fish

I was asked how I can say that I am a practitioner of catch and release while, at the same time, also write in my column about cooking…

Strange things in the midnight sun

As winter winds continue to blow and the temperature seems determined to drop to below -10 degrees Celsius, I long for spring

Background kills appetite for basa

The other night I made a pretty good supper, if I do say so myself.

Face each new day with anticipation

How often have I stood and cast my line to the unknown – to some momentary flash of silver in the waters off to the corner of my eye

Part science, part detective work

At first glance, the winter landscape appeared stark and void of life. Neither bird nor beast seemed to have been willing to venture out

I’ve never told a soul what I did

The summer my older brother Don went to Boy Scout camp was probably the loneliest summer I have ever spent

Warm read for a cold winter’s night

Any time a new fly-fishing book comes across my desk for review, it is a treat.

Author’s life set against backdrop of the Shuswap

What started out as the journal of a 12-year-old girl ended up as the interesting, often entertaining, sometimes poignant chronicle