Jocelyne Sewell

A Gardener’s Diary: Students feast on fresh veggies

Gardening program at St. James School is a wonderful way for youngsters to learn where their food comes from, and then to enjoy it

A GARDENER’S DIARY: Warm fall days are a bonus for gardeners

Jocelyne Sewell offers some tips for cleaning up the garden so it's ready to go for next spring

A GARDENER’ DIARY: Ready to put the watering can away

Jocelyne Sewell loves her garden, but by the time the long, hot summer ends and fall begins, she's ready for a break

A GARDENER’ DIARY: Growing figs in Vernon

Treat as a house plant for the first two winters when the roots are small and weak

A Gardener’s Diary: Bearded irises are easy to grow

Jocelyne Sewell offers tips to grow these colourful perennials

A Gardener’s Diary: Potatoes saved from compost

Jocelyne Sewell shares both her tips for success in the garden

A Gardener’s Diary: The mighty Saskatoon

The health benefits of the Saskatoon berry are astounding.

A Gardener’s Diary: Evidence of hard work

Jocelyne Sewell goes on the People Place Garden Tour and finds beauty at every turn

A Gardener’s Diary: Tomatoes love marigolds

Jocelyne Sewell shares some of her favourite tips for growing vegetables in the North Okanagan.

A Gardener’s Diary: Mulching helps conserve moisture

Shred up those leaves from your backyard maple tree — they make a great mulch for the garden, and help retain moisture all summer long

A Gardener’s Diary: Earth Day celebrated

Today is the 45th anniversary of Earth Day. Hope you have a…

A Gardener’s Diary: Prepare plants by hardening off

The weather is warming up, at long last, and Jocelyne Sewell offers some tips to get those gardens started

A Gardener’s Diary: Seedy Saturday is a hit

Jocelyne Sewell offers up tips for keeping your bulbs' energy going long after they stop blooming

A Gardener’s Diary: Take a chance on gardening

Gardener Jocelyne Sewell rejoices in what seems to be the early arrival of spring in the North Okanagan

A Gardener’s Diary: Start your seeds indoors now

February/March is the time of year to start germinating seeds indoors for their viability.

A Gardener’s Diary: Training a wisteria vine

Time has a way of flying by. It is already three years…

A Gardener’s Diary: Growing local figs

Jocelyne Sewell has successfully grown figs in the North Okanagan but has figured out a few more secrets to growing the warm-climate fruit

A Gardener’s Diary: It’s two plants in one

Jocelyne Sewell discovers an unusual plant that combines cherry tomatoes with potatoes

A Gardener’s Diary: A time to peruse the seed catalogues

As you read this, there are only 12 days left before the…

A Gardener’s Diary: Dahlias get their winter rest

A couple of weeks ago, I received a book as a gift…