Jocelyne Sewell

A Gardener’s Diary: Cannas can be stored in winter

The summer has been fantastic and now some of the plants that…

A Gardener’s Diary: Pine needles get new life

Excess pine needles can be tough to get out of the garden, but Jocelyne Sewell finds a new use for them

A Gardener’s Diary: Horseradish thrives here

By the time you read this, Thanksgiving will have gone by. Hope…

A Gardener’s Diary: A busy time for the composter

I would find it hard to complain about the weather we had…

A Gardener’s Diary: All about peonies

Jocelyne Sewell finds inspired information about the popular plant in The Book of Garden Magic

A Gardener’s Diary: The leaves are turning

Jocelyne Sewell begins the late-summer work of cleaning up her garden and enjoying its bounty

A Gardener’s Diary: Growing a bumper crop

Gardening columnist Jocelynne Sewell gives advice on growing beans and how to deal with blossom-end rot in tomatoes.

A Gardener’s Diary: It’s all about anise

Jocelyne Sewell takes a look at this herb that belongs to the mint family

A Gardener’s Diary: Harvesting garlic

Jocelyne Sewell takes gardeners through the process of harvesting garlic and how to store it

A Gardener’s Diary: School harvest cut short

The Intergenerational Landed Learning Program at St. James School had its garden targeted by thieves, much to everyone's disappointment

A Gardener’s Diary: Garden time flies too quickly

Jocelyne Sewell offers some good organic methods for controlling pests in the garden

Peek into local gardens

The People Place hosts its 13th annual fundraising Garden Tour on June 14 — tickets are now available to tour some wonderful gardens

A Gardener’s Diary: Grass clippings put to good use

When you mow your lawn, don't toss those clippings; use them as mulch or shred them for the compost

A Gardener’s Diary: Use patience in planting

Spring has arrived at long last, but use caution in planting this early, as the frost is still making an appearance

A Gardener’s Diary: Growing the fruit of longevity

Jocelyne Sewell looks at the Haskap or honey berry plant, which many people call a cross between blueberry, raspberry and black currant

A Gardener’s Diary: Seedlings begin their journey

Avid gardener Jocelyne Sewell explains the best methods and the best seeds for early germination

Start your seeds now

There is still snow on the ground, but it's the ideal time to think about sowing seeds indoors for spring planting

A GARDENER’S DIARY: Help support the Gleaners

The North Okanagan Gleaners Society takes surplus food from North Okanagan gardens and helps to alleviate world hunger

A GARDENER’S DIARY: They’re beautiful and edible

Jocelyne Sewell takes a look at the varieties of colourful flowers that can also be used in the kitchen

A GARDENER’S DIARY: Save seeds for edible flowers

From garden to kitchen: harvest flowers in the morning after the dew has evaporated.