Ken Wilson

Column: No beef with this delicious herb-sprinkled roast

In a recent cooking column I wrote about using fresh herbs from my garden.

Column: Ken’s herb and garlic pork chops

Tuesday of this week I had an opportunity to get out in my small garden and do a little work.

Column: Age not a factor in bringing positive change

When Walt Cobb was campaigning for Mayor last November I heard comments saying he’s too old and his time has gone by politically.

Column: Zero tax rate increase a good job by new city council

Congratulations to Mayor Walt Cobb and his council for not increasing the city taxes in this year’s budget.

Column: Ken’s Seafood Supreme a delicious experiment in cooking

One of the neat things about cooking is that you can learn to be really creative.

Column: Salmon-stuffed avocados a delight

If you are a snow person, you will certainly like the weather we have had in the last week.

Super Bowl snacks a highlight on game day

Super Bowl Sunday is a go this weekend and like last year many British Columbians will be cheering for the Seahawks

Restructuring comes with good and bad

It is never an easy job when employers have to tell employees they no longer have a job.

Winter great time for comfort foods like soup

Comfort foods like soup provide good nutrition and help warm you on cool days.

Column: Lots of work ahead for new mayor and council

A new year is just underway and many are expecting a better 365 days this go around.

Vegetables a viable addition to Christmas dinner

Just as turkey and hams have garnered a spot amongst favourites in meat category of Christmas dinners some vegetable traditions have too.

Spirit of Christmas could be spread year-round

The Spirit of Christmas is with us in Williams Lake.

Christmas season the perfect time for turkey

Many folk are starting to think about their Christmas dinner, and most often people have at least one dish that is turkey.

Easy appetizers for Sunday’s Grey Cup game

Columnist Ken Wilson offers up some suggestions for Grey Cup game appetizers.

Election predictions realized following Saturday’s results

Columnist Ken Wilson says his election predictions were realized.

Left and right wings for election night

Food columnist Ken Wilson offers up an election night recipe, with spices to suit different types of candidates.

Cajun gumbo combo

The wonderful fall weather we have been experiencing is messing up mother nature a little.

If you don’t vote don’t complain

Why do so many people know about the local government elections but only a few do anything about it.

Kudos to those running for mayor, council

There are a number of individuals who are looking for a seat on the Williams Lake city council during the civic elections.

Venison recipe perfect hunting camp

Now that we are into fall and hunting season, it’s a good time for a venison recipe.