Ken Wilson

Rosalie’s grouse recipe a great fall treat

All you need is an oven to cook this fabulous grouse recipe, says cooking columnist Ken Wilson.

Rosalie’s grouse recipe a great fall treat

All you need is an oven to cook this fabulous grouse recipe, says cooking columnist Ken Wilson.

Questions abound around municipal election

Is Walt Cobb sitting on the fence? Yes. Is he going to run for mayor in the November Civic elections, or will he run for council?

Sensationalism around Mount Polley spill disappointing

I have some trouble with the media sensationalism around Canada happening in regards to the Mount Polley mine disaster.

Mount Polley Mine disaster hurts everyone

The Mount Polley Mine disaster will have an effect on the company, Imperial Metals, for some time.

Speculating on W.L. civic race

We have a civic election coming our way this fall and I hope we can get a better turnout of voters than the last go around.

Chicken recipe found in travelling beautiful B.C.

A few years ago I traveled across this wonderful province and the trip made me once again realize how fortunate we are to live here.

Williams Lake welcomes the 88th Stampede

The Williams Lake Stampede is 88 years old and in that time a lot of folks have journeyed to Williams Lake to take part in the annual event.

Spinach a fantastic vegetable for a variety of dishes

Hot spinach salad is a great dish and as we leave spring behind today, summertime arrives tomorrow, a time for fresh produce and herbs.

2014 municipal election promises to be an exciting one

Congratulations to the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce for being recognized as the Best Chamber of Commerce in B.C.

Legion Branch 139 honours D-Day

D-Day, the Battle of Normandy, is being commemorated throughout Canada, including right here in Williams Lake.

Basil cream sauce nice on fresh fish

Nice to get out fishing again in water that is not frozen.

Emergency ward staff should be commended

Folks who work in the emergency wards in our hospitals all deserve medals being compassionate and caring in a job that is so demanding.

Restructuring post-secondary education a good thing

B.C. is restructuring its education system somewhat so young people can get skills training before they leave high school.

Awaken your tastebuds with spring chives

The oregano, thyme, sage, along with the garlic herbs in my garden are coming along nicely.

It’s never too late to start volunteering

“To enter or offer to enter into some service or undertaking of one’s free will.”

Barbecue season is here at last

Springtime, and the land is coming alive once again, after a rather harsh winter.

Paying the price for politicians

What do you think of politicians who abuse their expense accounts or money that belongs to a non-profit organization?

Turn on the romance with a nice home-cooked meal

Today the male species is learning that a nice meal may be the way to a woman’s heart, or at least her taste buds.

Talk about Quebec separation raises new questions

Party Quebecois Leader Pauline Marois said her party would like to hold a referendum asking Quebecers if they want their own country.