Kerry Senchyna

Here’s the pitch: Throwing’s evolution

If you’ve ever watched a slow-motion video of a baseball player throw or a pitcher pitch from the mound it is an astonishing...

Senchyna: Add hill running to your training

Most competitive road and trail runners know about hill training. Athletes in team sports don’t always make use of it – but many should.

Exercise for brawn and brain

Exercise for brawn and brain

As we age, the normal activities of living that many of us take for granted can become more difficult.

Exercise for brawn and brain

Exercise a genie in a bottle

It has been demonstrated through countless studies over the past decades that exercise is good for us.

Even more problems brought about by sitting all day

Sedentary time associated with metabolic problems, increased risk of diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Senchyna: Research on the minimalist running trend

There had been a growing movement in the running community that was endorsing ‘minimalist’ running...

Exercising while travelling

Exercising while travelling

Time zone changes and unfamiliar sleeping quarters alter sleep patterns, lack of exercise facilities can hamper exercise routines.

Exercising while travelling

Hockey’s butterfly style can sting like a bee

Butterfly-style goaltending in the NHL seems to have been with us forever, but it did have its origins in the 1960s and ’70s...

Strategies to keep resolutions

Using tips that elite athletes do can help keep you on track

Senchyna: Muscle maintenance becomes key as we age

I last discussed all the changes that happen in your body as you age, including bone loss, cardiovascular and flexibility ...

Athletes slow the effects of aging

The effects of aging are easy to see and we are reminded every day by grey hair, wrinkles and slower movements.

Senchyna: Aerobic capacity, the magic number

You may have heard the term V̇O2max applied to an athlete’s performance. What is this measure and how does it apply to athletes?

Senchyna: Every athlete needs core training

The core muscle group is a key component in building an athletic base.

Small changes all add up

Small changes all add up

Studies have shown how just a small amount of persistent activity can improve health rather dramatically.

Small changes all add up

Senchyna: Sports and fitness transition for life

Many young people have grown up having gained some experience and acquired a skill-set during physical education for playing sports...

Benefits and drawbacks of cycling

Benefits and drawbacks of cycling

Surprisingly, the upper body is the more frequently injured while riding a bike than the bottom half.

Benefits and drawbacks of cycling

Looking at the health benefits of running vs walking

Some people claim you can’t really get fit or lose weight from walking and you need to run.

In over your head with shoulder work

In over your head with shoulder work

The causes of swimmer’s shoulder are usually due to one of the following: training intensity, distance, recovery or stroke mechanics.

In over your head with shoulder work

Senchyna: Everything’s riding on your ankles

Injuries to the ankle joint are quite common, estimated at about 25,000 each day in ankle sprains alone...

SENCHYNA: Put a spring in your step – muscles can mitigate joint pain

How do your muscles protect your joints from injury and wear and tear? If someone has arthritis in a joint, is there anything...