Marjorie Stewart

Sugar is a temptation, not nutrition

To keep your body healthy you are better off eating essential nutrients instead of empty calories.

Food Matters: Buying local provides food quality

NANAIMO – Avoid food scams by purchasing products from producers you know.

Food non-profits could use help of ‘angels’

Two promising local initiatives in food security deserve support.

Our butter isn’t bad, but it could be better

I favour butter for taste, texture and simplicity and I’m wary of laboratory-produced foodstuffs.

We’re all using more water than we realize

It is important for us to understand the concept of ‘virtual water.’ Ninety-two per cent of all the water we use is for food production.

Livestock farming creating global challenges

We must all stop eating industrially produced red meats as fast as we can.

Trade deal bypasses Canada’s dairy standards

If the TPP is ratified, we can be certain that we will see more genetically modified bovine growth hormone rBGH in our milk.

Trans-Pacific Partnership isn’t about trade

The Trans-Pacific Partnership has been called “the biggest trade deal Canadians have never heard of."

Food banks help, but problems run deeper

I am opposed to using emergency aid as a substitute for the social programs I want my tax money to provide.

Canadian voters concerned about food costs

The rising cost of living and the rising cost of food are real issues Canadians want politicians to talk about.

It’s nuts not to invest in agroforestry in B.C.

Hazelnut farmers are ready to plant recently developed blight-resistant trees but they desperately need government assistance.

Farmers’ markets become more accessible

Farmers’ markets enable farmers to bypass wholesalers with direct sales to consumers, strengthening local economies.

Breakfast beverage choices complicated

Freed from equally unsatisfactory choices, I asked myself whether I need juice from distant plantations to start my day.

Healthy diet is more than just smoothies

I don’t believe in quick fixes and I am not convinced that over-reliance on liquefied, raw food is a healthy habit.

Fill season with good food, fellowship

During the period of the darkest days and longest nights, people of the north have celebrated the winter solstice.

Some diets have proven benefits, some don’t

There are two diets that have a great deal to recommend them: the Mediterranean diet and the Okinawa diet.

Potato theft discourages young gardeners

Many hours of hard work have gone into maintaining productive gardens over the summer: watering, weeding, fertilizing, pruning and planting.

Soil doesn’t need to be a dirty word

Farmland ploughed for commercial agriculture around the world exposes topsoil and increases erosion.

Food matters: Trade agreements allow shoddy standards

The real threats to national freedoms enjoy a free ride into our daily lives under the auspices of the World Trade Organization.

Public becoming used to destruction

The general public becomes so accustomed to gradual destruction that we stop noticing the devastating impacts of our careless ways.