Accelerate Okanagan announces changes

Accelerate Okanagan, which operates a technology company incubator in Penticton, has announced some major changes to their operation.

Accelerate Okanagan, which operates technology company incubators in Penticton and Kelowna, has announced some major changes to their operation.

Those changes include appointing a new CEO, Jeff Keen, and removing the position of marketing director, currently held by Martin Yuill, who was a member of the team responsible for the development of the original Okanagan Research and Innovation Centre — the predecessor to AO. Yuill was primarily responsible for building relationships, welcoming new members and developing networking activities.

Keen originally joined AO as the programs director, with responsibility for designing and implementing acceleration programs. Keen has been working as acting CEO since Dec. 6, 2011.

“We are excited to see Accelerate Okanagan take another major step forward with these appointments,” said Mark Payne, acting CEO of the British Columbia Innovation Council.

The non-profit society recently held its first AGM, electing a new board of directors including: Jeff Cates of Intuit Canada; Doug Corbishley of Specialty Polymers Ltd.; Lane Merrifield of Disney Online Studios; Mark Payne; David Quail of YouSendIt; Jason Richards of Vineyard Networks; Martin Rutherford of Grant Thornton; Kevin Swan of iNovia Capital and Steve Wandler of Metabridge.

The society is also seeking interest from members of the Okanagan technology community to participate in an advisory council capacity.


Penticton Western News