B.C. is home to many outdoor apparel manufactures but they are experiencing challenges finding staff.

B.C. is home to many outdoor apparel manufactures but they are experiencing challenges finding staff.

Apparel manufactures unite

B.C.’s apparel manufacturers are joining forces to find more workers.

B.C.’s apparel manufacturers are joining forces to find more workers.

Employers and associations have agreed to address common workforce challenges in the apparel manufacturing sector.

“Ensuring that B.C. industries like the apparel sector have the workforce they need now and in the future is a priority for our government. We will continue to engage industry partners by listening to and addressing their concerns on labour supply and demand,” said Greg Kyllo, Shuswap MLA and parliamentary secretary for the B.C. Jobs Plan.

“This project is a great example of government-industry collaboration and a positive example of what industry partners can achieve when they work together to build an even stronger industry for the future.”

Some of the challenges the apparel manufacturing sector faces include attracting key executive talent, ensuring technical skills, are available, developing an integrated supply chain with more local links and building on B.C.’s global brand.

The B.C. Apparel Manufacturers Sector Engagement Project partners include more than 90 companies as well as the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters.

“The apparel sector has seen incredible growth over the last five years. Industry and government are collaborating closely to ensure the sector continues to grow,” said Marcus Ewert-Johns, vice-president of the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters.


Vernon Morning Star