Chronicle welcomes new publisher

Teresa McKinleyChronicle PublisherIt’s great to be back!When I started my first newspaper job at the Chronicle 14 years ago, I never considered the possibility that I was starting a new career.I was a new mom just trying to get back into the workplace after a year at home with my baby daughter.My husband was the newspaper guy. I was an architectural  drafting technician.But the paper needed help, I needed a part-time gig that let me stay close to my baby girl, and my computerized design skills translated nicely into building ads on those old XT PCs, actually they translated even better when I convinced them to start using the Mac’s.One daughter turned into two, both started to grow up, and the Chronicle kept on presenting opportunities.I moved on to the circulation department, shepherding the carrier crew and delivering many down paper routes to your homes in the rain and snow.Later, I stepped up to the office manager’s position. I spent three years greeting you at the front counter and stopping on First Avenue to chat during my walk to the bank each and every day.In 2008, another newspaper opportunity presented itself — a sales job at our sister paper, the Nanaimo News Bulletin. I joined the train of Ladysmith commuters and have enjoyed being out on the road, working with so many great people.Last month, my hometown paper presented yet another opportunity.I’m home again. The part-time ad designer of 1997 is now the boss.Most of the faces are different in the office, but they seem like a great crew and I am looking forward to getting to know them.I’m also looking forward to renewing old acquaintances, and meeting new faces in this place we all call home.I was born and raised in Chemainus, graduated from Chemainus Secondary School and have lived in Ladysmith for the past 15 years. I think I know a fair amount about the local area and its people.But I have a feeling I am about to learn a lot more.It’s great to be back!Please feel free to drop by and say hello.

Ladysmith Chronicle