Everything Pets celebrates successful first year

it’s an exciting, busy life and we enjoy coming to work.

Jack and Tianna Angstadt and Audrey Blanchette are celebrating their success in their first year of owning and operating Everything Pets.

Jack and Tianna Angstadt and Audrey Blanchette are celebrating their success in their first year of owning and operating Everything Pets.

Jack and Tianna Angstadt and Audrey Blanchette are all smiles as they celebrate their first anniversary as owners/operators of Everything Pets.

The celebration took place on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 1 and 2.

As customers came in to extend their congratulations they were treated to a cupcake courtesy of Paulette’s Cakerie.

“It’s been a learning process all along,” said Blanchette, “but we’ve had a very successful year.”

Blanchette says that it is important to have proper stuff in your store, “you need to bring in what your community wants.” She also said that they try to be as competitive as possible with the out of town stores—they’d like to keep the customers here.

“I only buy my pet stuff here,” says customer Lynn Boyd. “I like the quality of their pet products—and of course, Audrey’s charming personality.”

Blanchette giggles at the statement and finishes processing Boyd’s purchase.

“Jack and I love being here,” said Blanchette, “it’s an exciting, busy life and we enjoy coming to work. Thanks to the people of Princeton for their support!”


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