'Be An Agvocate' is a multi-faceted campaign encouraging everybody involved in agriculture to be an advocate by joining social media and having in-person conversations.

'Be An Agvocate' is a multi-faceted campaign encouraging everybody involved in agriculture to be an advocate by joining social media and having in-person conversations.

Farmers promote agriculture More Than Ever

A new campaign aimed at encouraging people in the agriculture industry to lend their voice to the food conversation in Canada has launched

Agriculture More Than Ever has launched a new campaign aimed at encouraging people in the agriculture industry to lend their voice to the food conversation in Canada.

“Be somebody-Be an agvocate” is a multi-faceted campaign that encourages everyone involved in the agriculture industry to be an advocate by joining social media and having in-person conversations to shape people’s relationship with agriculture.

“Being an agvocate is about adding your voice to the food conversation in positive, engaging and relatable ways,” said Candace Hill, manager of Agriculture More Than Ever, an industry-led initiative.

“The campaign is about helping everyone involved in agriculture to connect with the public by sharing their story.”

Surveys continue to show that farmers are one of the most trusted voices when it comes to providing information about farming practices and food production, so it makes sense they be the face and voice for agriculture, according to Hill.

A recent survey by the Canadian Centre for Food Integrity showed 93 per cent of consumers know little or nothing about Canadian farming practices, and a majority (60 per cent) of those respondents indicated they want to know more about farming practices.

“The campaign focuses on showing the real faces of people in agriculture with a strong call to action for everyone in the industry to get involved in the food conversation, no matter how big or small their contribution,” said Hill.

As part of the campaign, individuals who work in various sectors of agriculture submitted video clips of themselves reading a script encouraging others to get involved in telling the story of Canadian agriculture. Those clips were compiled into a video.

“The video features people from across the country who have come together to add their voice to the food conversation,” said Hill.

“Everyone in agriculture is “somebody” and has a role to play. Watching and sharing the video is just one way individuals can get involved, but there are many ways for people to show their love, pride and passion for an industry.”

To view the new Agriculture More Than Ever video or for more information, go to agriculturemorethanever.ca.


Vernon Morning Star