Group discounts for Langley condo sales

Local developer teams up with CONDOday to offer huge savings with one-day sale

It promises to be a day of big savings for home buyers.

This Saturday (Sept. 29), Cornerstone in Langley is offering homebuyers 15 to 21 per cent off as they sell off their remaining 18 condo units.

Cornerstone was developed by Marcon.

The deal is being offered through through CONDOday, a new group-buying service for real estate where buyers get deals when they buy together with others interested in the same homes.

“CONDOday targets respected home builders that have a genuine business reason to offer homebuyers a really good deal,” said Ben Hurlbutt, manager of CONDOday.

“In this case, Marcon will sell all of its existing inventory and close the presentation centre so it can move onto the next building.

“Developers often spend months, or even a year, selling their last remaining homes at great expense.

CONDOday negotiates with developers and organizes buyers into groups that save big on opportunities like this. And the homes are guaranteed to never sell for less.”

CONDOday’s one day sale prices will range from $159,900 for a spacious one bedroom plan to $235,365 for a two bedroom, two bathroom home. For those who sign up to join the group – for free – on, they will save between $29,000 and $46,000.

With savings from CONDOday deals, first-time homebuyers really can find homes that aren’t out of reach financially.

“This is a no brainer for buyers,” says Cam Good, president of The Key, the launch pad for CONDOday. “With CONDOday, buyers get a better deal than they could ever get on their own, and it’s free.”

These homes at Cornerstone normally start at $199,900 but with this CONDOday deal, they will be starting at $159,900 for the one day.

The launch is at noon on Saturday. Cornerstone is located at 21009 56 Ave (corner of 56 Avenue and 210A Street).

Langley Times