Have your say on North Delta development

Have your say on North Delta development

Public input being accepted on the North Delta Area Plan; open house July 31.

The North Delta Area Plan (NDAP), which acts as a guide for future development, is under review.

A planning process to update it has been underway for over a year and has included a variety of public consultation and community outreach events, engagement with key stakeholders, including seniors and youth, a Public Ideas Fair, and an initial survey through PlaceSpeak.

Draft ideas for the plan have recently been prepared for public review and comment.

Once adopted, the NDAP will guide future development in North Delta. The draft ideas address transportation, housing, infrastructure and utilities, parks and recreation, arts, culture and heritage, and the natural environment. This survey focuses on some of the biggest proposed changes to land use and design.

To receive more information on the draft ideas and provide additional comments, attend a public open house on July 31 at Sungod Recreation Centre anytime between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. Further information can also be found on the “North Delta Area Plan” website at http://www.delta.ca/northdelta

Surrey Now Leader