‘Hire the person not the number’

The ThirdQuarter team will be at the Campbell River Chamber’s third annual Business Expo

As the number of people working past the expected age of retirement increases, so too does the number of mature job seekers searching for meaningful employment and companies with skills vacancies.

Dorothy Thach, in her early fifties, found herself unemployed after 20 years with her previous employer, “I knew it was time for me to try something new but I wasn’t sure how to go about finding my next job.”

Enter ThirdQuarter — an innovative job service dedicated to experienced people aged 45 years and over, in the ‘third quarter’ of their professional and working careers.

On the advice of a friend, Thach posted her resume on the ThirdQuarter website and so impressed the management, that she is now an account manager with the company having been promoted twice in only five months.

“We knew we wanted someone on staff with her unique skill set, awesome attitude and strong work ethic,” says Sue Barkman, Vice President Marketing and Communications for ThirdQuarter.

The ThirdQuarter system uses an essential, skills-based matching system that links applicants with the qualifications today’s recruiters require for the diverse positions they need to fill. There is no charge to candidates looking to post their resumes. The process also helps employers since mature workers are more than just job-ready but act as mentors for other staff and new Canadians.

“One of our goals is to increase awareness among the 45+ age group about the service that we offer,” says Edmund Lee, Western Canada Regional Manager for ThirdQuarter. “Our efforts are channeled into helping to build a multi-generational workforce. Our advice is to forget the number and hire the person.”

The ThirdQuarter team will be at the Campbell River Chamber’s third annual Business Expo, at the Campbell River Community Centre on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2013 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

“We’ll be available to answer questions and can take registrations from both job candidates and prospective employers,” says Edmund Lee.

Campbell River Mirror