How to find a Gypsy’s Heart in Princeton

Inside A Gypsy’s Heart, men and women will find a mixture of new and up-cycled clothing.

Gail Davies, owner operator of ‘A Gypsy’s Heart’ located at 117 Vermilion Avenue. Come in for an experience in clothing couture—and enjoy a wee taste of arts and culture as well.

Gail Davies, owner operator of ‘A Gypsy’s Heart’ located at 117 Vermilion Avenue. Come in for an experience in clothing couture—and enjoy a wee taste of arts and culture as well.

Asking your family about your ancestral heritage can lead you into a world full of interesting surprises.

Gail Davies found out while speaking with her father that her background included Gypsies as well as the more usual professions such as; “preachers, teachers and bankers.”

This little bit of information stuck with Davies as she ventured forth to ‘find something to do with her skills.’

Davies is a personal shopper­—yes, that’s right. She will take your information, your shopping list and go do your clothing shopping for you.

“I just love shopping” she said.

Combining her love with her talent for shopping, Davies created and opened her store,  A Gypsy’s Heart at the beginning of April, this year.

Inside A Gypsy’s Heart, men and women will find a mixture of new and “up-cycled clothing,” as Davies says. Up-cycled meaning “great products that just needed a minor fix.”

Young ladies who will graduate this year may just want to check out the gowns available in the store. If you are looking for originality, classic or timeless design, stop in.

While browsing in A Gypsy’s Heart, don’t be surprised if a few artistic treasures or household items grab your attention.

Davies had been looking for the past year to find “just the right spot” for her store.

She really likes the uniqueness of her retail space (shape and size) and loves being located next to Veterans Square park. “It’s gorgeous,” she said, “Princeton is beautiful and we are all worthy of good things.”

Davies says she chose a crazy name, but she’s a bit wacky and if it’s going to help people—then she’s going to do it.

“Everyone needs a bit of pizzazz and curiosity,” she said with a smile.

If you haven’t been in, stop by soon and you’ll see exactly what it is that Davies is talking about.

A Gypsy’s Heart is located at 117 Vermilion Avenue. Hours of operation are; Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturdays from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Remember as well, If you are one that just hates to shop, but loves to look fashionably fabulous, don’t forget to stop in to see Gail Davies. She loves to shop and she’ll be happy to go do it for you.


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