LCIC sends out request for proposals for information template design

LCIC sends out request for proposals for information template design

Lower Columbia Initiatives Corp. is requesting proposals to create an information 
template to contain economic related metrics.

The positive aspects of the local economy are about to be revealed.

The Lower Columbia Initiatives Corp. is requesting proposals to create an information 
template to contain economic related metrics to inform local residents, business owners and 
professionals about the positive local economy.

The objective is to initiate a system of publishing information that communicates a dynamic
economy, builds confidence and showcases the region, as well as becomes a recognizable tool of the LCIC.

The LCIC works collaboratively with Lower Columbia region communities, including Rossland, to develop a 
creative, dynamic and competitive business environment as well as implements strategies to 
strengthen our local economy.

The target audience
is local residents, the local business community and local organizations.

The style and concept
design is an approximate quarter page, scalable template with horizontal and vertical options, 
containing a tag line related to the intent of the information and the 
LCIC logo.

The template should allow easy content editing. The template will be embedded
into newsletters, websites and other publishing media.

The information or metrics will 
change according to an established frequency.

Create a two- or three-word tag line that captures the purpose of the tool. For example: A dynamic region; A dynamic economy, Dynamic communities, A thriving region, A thriving 

Please submit the method and approach to be used, examples of other creative designs, a timeline, creative team members with two work references.

Proposals will be accepted via email until 4 p.m. on Jan 25.


Rossland News