Mediation can help Creston Valley families find workable solutions

Catherine Chlopecki recently completed Justice Institute of BC's conflict resolution program, specializing in family mediation...

Catherine Chlopecki is offering mediation to Creston and East Kootenay families.

Catherine Chlopecki is offering mediation to Creston and East Kootenay families.

Catherine Chlopecki has 30 years of experience working with families and social service and justice systems, so she brings a strong background to her new role as a family mediator.

As a graduate of the conflict resolution program specializing in family mediation through the Justice Institute of BC, Chlopecki now offers her services to families in Creston and throughout the East Kootenay. She has a particular interest in working with couples with children.

“We all want to have healthy families and healthy relationships within our families,” she said. “But when a relationship isn’t working out, that’s when we need help.”

Finding workable solutions is the goal of mediation, she said.

“When separations involve children, couples often need the help of mediation, so they can find solutions that are in the best interests of their children,” she said. “As parents, we always want what’s good for our children.”

Chlopecki said a typical family mediation involves several meeting sessions that begin with her meeting individually with each spouse to ensure they are open to mediation.

“I am not a lawyer so I don’t give legal advice, but if two people are willing to work together with me I can provide guidance.”

Mediation is growing in popularity, in part because the court system is backed up. It can take six to eight months to process paperwork and set a date, at which time both parents must be present.

“This can cause a lot of anxiety and confusion for the parents as to how to have parenting time with their children, and how to divide their parenting responsibilities,” she said.

A mediated agreement can also offer financial benefits.

“If you don’t do this prior to going to court, often the judge will make those decisions for you and often, they are not things that work for you at the time,” she said.

There is no cookie cutter approach in mediation, Chlopecki said.

“My interest is in working to make the family unit stronger and healthier, in the best interests of the child. The key is to provide a safe environment where people can have open communication, where they can be respectful to each other and where it is non-judgmental.”

She has office space in downtown Creston, but is also prepared to travel to the East Shore and other areas in the Kootenays. For more information, Chlopecki can be reached at 250-402-9781.

Creston Valley Advance