New Revelstoke Times Review sales representative Annie Hewitt.

New Revelstoke Times Review sales representative Annie Hewitt.

New sales representative Annie Hewitt joins Times Review

Revelstoke Times Review welcomes new sales representative Annie Hewitt

The Revelstoke Times Review this week welcomes new sales representative Annie Hewitt.

“I’m definitely happy to be joining the team here,” Hewitt said.

Hewitt is a native of Hamilton, Ont., and earned a degree in Broadcast, Television Media and Telecommunications at Mohawk College.

She moved here to be closer to her parents, who relocated to Revelstoke several years ago. Hewitt then accepted a position at the fledgling Revelstoke Mountain Resort.

“I feel as though I’m one of the few people who moved to Revelstoke to get a career,” she joked.

Hewitt previously worked in administration, sales and as a videographer at RMR and is currently a morning host at Stoke FM, as well as a board member with the community radio station.

Hewitt also works as a waitress at the Big Eddy Pub.

She’s an active volunteer, tutoring at Mt. Begbie Elementary’s one-to-one reading program. She also maintains a plot at the Revelstoke Community Garden, donating produce to the food bank. She is also getting involved with a youth mentoring program this fall.

Hewitt is a mountain biker, skier and enjoys playing music and signing. She also enjoys refurbishing and creating vintage furniture.

She looks forward to getting to know and help Times Review clients. “I’m confident with my skills and I’m good at negotiating and compromising,” Hewitt said, describing herself as an honest salesperson. “I’m loyal to customers.”

Contact Annie Hewitt at 250-837-4667 or



Revelstoke Times Review