New tool kit helps communities host events

This tool kit is another component of the five-year hosting strategy that was announced last year

The provincial government has launched a new online hosting tool kit, providing communities and organizations with additional information on how to host events of all sizes.

This tool kit is another component of the five-year hosting strategy that was announced last year to promote B.C. as a hosting destination.

“The province understands the many benefits that come to communities from hosting sport, art and cultural events,” said Peter Fassbender, community development minister.

“This tool kit will provide information and resources to those individuals and groups who want to host their own event, but are unsure where or how to begin.”

The resource will include tools to assist sport, art and cultural event organizers through the various stages of event management.

Some of the resources found in the toolkit include:

Self-assessment checklist – A simple checklist to provide potential event organizers with areas to consider prior to creating and submitting a bid.

Sport event bid package preparation tools – Tips to consider when developing a bid package that will attract sport events.

Sponsorship tools – Basic tips to help event organizers attract and maintain sponsors for an event.

Volunteer management tools – Resource includes tips to consider when managing volunteers on topics such as recruiting, training, deploying and recognizing volunteers.

Inventory of facilities – Discover the sport and recreation assets of B.C. communities that can assist organizations in finding the perfect venue for an event.

Marketing, media and communication tools – Resources that will help promote the event, and provide guidance on working with the media to communicate with participants, volunteers and partners.

Future additions to the hosting tool kit will include an economic impact assessment tool that is currently under development. Once completed, it will provide organizers with the ability to predict and evaluate the economic impact of events, both before and after.

The Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development will also reinvigorate the Community Sport Hosting Network. This network will help organizations:

Work together to continue building an event hosting culture throughout the province and promote B.C. as the event hosting destination of choice.

Strengthen the working relationship between the provincial government and communities and organizations interested in event hosting.

Develop collaborative relationships across the province to share best practices and facilitate knowledge transfer as appropriate.


Vernon Morning Star